I am truly astonished at the childishness of newstraders and anti Modi social media crusaders. There has never been any scope for discussion about who’s forming Govt in 2019, it’s been BJP all the way.
Congress and other dynasts led organizations are battling among themselves in a contest of survival beyond 2019.
BJP had 32% votes of its own in 2014, they are definitely increasing its vote by 4-5% waking it upto 36-37%. Its allies will score another 8-9%. Compared to 2014, BJPis not loosing a single vote anywhere, it’s making extremely serious inroads in many states of Northeast, Bengal, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra & Telangana. They may not win any seats on 2-3 of South Indian States but when they poll votes, somebody loses it and that’s how calculations are to be made. No one loses an election with 45-46% votes in India, Rajiv won 404 seats with 48% votes in 1984. Fact of the matter is that BJP has bent backwards and knitted alliances with JDU and SS, reason? They are staking oppositions progress everywhere. Congress tried becoming चौधरी and its friends payed footsie for a bit, but who will surrender money to be made on selling tickets? And who will want to be a Mayawati of 2014?
Now reality is as follows:
Congress has 2 insignificant alliances in TN and Bihar where entire UPA will not win more than 20-25 seats. In Maharashtra, they will hardly win 5-8 seats. Where else is any alliance? Congress will be cutting votes in every other state giving a ‘Direct Benefit Transfer’ to BJP and NDA. Other than Punjab, Kerala, AP, Tel, WB - BJP & allies are winning almost 70-80% seats.
Let me write this in black and bold. There is no contest between BJP/NDA and Congress/UPA or alleged Third front ..... it’s a fight between congress an regional parties. This suits BJP and congress both. BJP wins, congress survives for another day, regional satraps get flushed.
I am here for any digressions from this fact when results are out on 23/5/19
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