Friday, March 29, 2019

Anti nationalist v/s nationalist

If you are not with us, you are anti-national

This is extremely idiotic perception built by anti Modi apparatus. The only occasions when someone can be named an antinational is when they go against the interest of the national integrity & security.

An Indian can only go against India when it sides with conniving expansionist like China or Religious Extremist State of Pakistan that’s still works on a single dimensional agenda of religious majoritarianism, let’s be very clear about the fact that both Pakistan and China are not our friendly neighbours. Categorising pro BJP voters as extremist nationalists is an excuse to somehow sound liberal and cool.

No one has any issues if anyone abuses BJP or Modi 24x7, but neither BJP created Pakistan on our either sides nor did BJP corrected the mistake of 1947 East Pakistan and broke it into 2 in 1971 to purchase Pakistani ire. BJP had no role in surrendering UNSC seat to China, nor did BJP allow unresolved border issues with China. It was not during BJP rule that PoK was snatched by Pakistan and Aksai Chin by China. BJP wasn’t ruling India when Ayodhya issue was created and was frozen in cold storage. The Indian map nor the parliament resolution which pledges that entire state of Jammu & Kashmir is unambiguously a part of India was not passed during BJP administration.

So when BJP is questioned for every random issue pertaining to peace in subcontinent, or relationship with China and Pakistan, or Ayodhya - none of which is a BJP creation but has bled and divided the country for 70 years, BJP has every right to ask ‘who created these problems’ and why such rigorous contempt is unleashed when current government is trying every method to resolve the issues without sacrificing Kashmir (which now is an issue much beyond what it was before 80’s, now its terrorism and river water)

** No state (whatever it be called by liberals or communists of the world) will surrender its geopolitical integrity to terror or war. Much less when the country in question is not a historical invader and currently is the only nation in the world that is a trillion dollar economy and a billion people democracy.

But if liberalism is to scream a pro terror and anti national rhetoric then those who have ‘equal stake in the nation’ can’t be not allowed to build a counter narrative. The people who call such Indians ’rightwing nationalists’ must give example of which other country on this planet permits questioning the geographical integrity of the nation!

India is not America nor Europe that has peaceful Canada or subdued Eastern European countries as its neighbor, we sit with 2 such hostile nations that will gobble us if we weaken our guard and that is why we need to pronounce the pro national rhetoric to counter deeply ingrained aloof nationalistic flavour.....

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